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The challenges of working from home as an engineering organisation

The Covid-19 crisis has created a need for businesses to work with virtual teams, thanks to social distancing and work-from-home mandates from governments. For engineering organizations, this may translate to up to 50% of the employees working from home at any given time. As a result, productivity is being severely impacted. It will take some time for engineering companies to adjust to the new challenges thrown up in this situation. 

Business-related challenges

People-related challenges

Technology-related challenges


In the foreseeable future it seems obvious that the pandemic will force the industry’s hand, when it comes to digitising their process.  Integration of people and process and data will become not a business benefit but a survival mechanism, and companies will have no choice but to change their hitherto manually-drive work culture, and become modernised. 

The question is not whether engineering companies should go virtual, it is whether they are willing to make the changes necessary for survival, and how quickly they can do so.

By Varghese Daniel
CEO,Wrench Solutions

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