What is your
Current role
in Wrench
in Wrench
I don multiple hats, including ensuring the quality of build releases by executing product testing in coordination with other teams, monitoring test plans and testing schedules, and interfacing with multiple teams for product problem resolution.
Tell us
what you wanted
to be growing up ,
and why?
to be growing up ,
and why?
I wanted to be a dentist. I was inspired by one of my favourite Aunts, who was a dentist, and I really admired the way she carried herself. The aura and confidence she projected made me believe that her job had a key role to play in those traits. Of course, later I realised that any job, not just dentistry, is what gives a woman those qualities!
How does
Wrench’s culture
impact you,
professionally and
and personally?
Wrench is the first organization I ever worked in. It’s become my second family. The work culture here has played a major role in shaping my personality both professionally and personally; for example, the transparent work culture here has always given me a sense of warmth and security, and that has inspired me to give more to the organization.
you about working here?
you about working here?
The work-life balance. That, and the constant push to strive for growth & learning. It is highly encouraged and supported here.
Tell us a
funny story
about working in Wrench
I have a really funny one! It was my first day of work, when I knew nothing about organizational culture and I called a senior “Uncle!!!” instead of addressing him by his name. That still makes me chuckle.
How does Wrench support
your professional development
andcareer growth?
At Wrench there is always an emphasis on skill upgrade which helps us grow as individuals, and the organization makes sure that rewards and recognition are of utmost importance.
How do you manage
stress ?
I find that those simple things, like researching fashion trends, helps me relieve stress.
What do you enjoy
doing outside of
I enjoy taking part in small marathons and walkathons.
What are you most
proud of achieving
in your time here?
I would say, with great pride, that for the past 13 years I have been part of a wonderfully integrated team which has been involved in all the major releases which have all gone out on a timely basis.
Any words of
wisdom or
message for the world?
There is no perfect definition for work-life balance. In my view, happiness comes from knowing how to integrate family and work, rather than constantly having them in conflict with each other.