What is your
Current role
in Wrench
in Wrench
I handle product communication. It’s my responsibility to manage product-related documentation like User Manuals, Online help file, tutorial videos, etc., and make sure the right message is crafted for the right audience in the right way using the right medium of communication.
Tell us
what you wanted
to be growing up ,
and why?
to be growing up ,
and why?
I always wanted to be a journalist. I had a passion for writing, photography and travel. I still love meeting meet new people and understanding different cultures, especially places that are in conflict where I can see for myself the reality of the situation.
How does
Wrench’s culture
impact you,
professionally and
and personally?
Wrench’s work culture is one of my favourite things about working here. Since I’ve been here for so many years, it has shaped me into the person I now am. Overall I feel comfortable and satisfied in my workplace.
you about working here?
you about working here?
For me, it is the trust and respect
I receive here.
Has there been a
time you were faced
with a challenge
you found difficult to
overcome? Tell us
about that?
Wrench is in a very dynamic industry. That makes every day working here a challenge in itself. It’s all about making the impossible, possible.
How do you manage
Watching the sunrise and the sunset my favourite things

"I had taken these photos my self"
What do you enjoy
doing outside of
Photography, Trekking and Travelling
What are you most
proud of achieving
in your time here?
My work is time-sensitive. I’m proud of the fact that so far I’ve met every deadline without delay.
What are your Top 3 books or podcasts?

I’m a book guy. I love The Prophet by Khalil Jibran, Daivathinte Chaaranmar by Joseph Annamkutty Jose and Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer.
Any words of
wisdom or
message for the world?
Follow your dreams is not always the best advice. I think it’s great to have a dream or passion but in the meantime, you also need to support yourself and possibly a family. If all that fits into the dream, great. However, the reality is that most people work to live. People who love what they do for a living are some of the luckiest people alive.